I have been seeing very long delays in the outgoing-runner for several
months now and have list members that constantly complain, rightly so, on
how long messages take to deliver.  It doesn't matter which mailing list
and the persons affected may differ depending on the message (ie Billy bob
may complain one message and Sally Mae may complain the next and Billy Bob
won't).   I have done the following:

1 - upgraded servers
2 - tried more memory
3 - upgraded mailman 
4 - upgraded sendmail, 
5 - adding more outgoing runners

Nothing helps.  Here are some additional symptoms and clues:

1 - Outgoing-runner NEVER quits on its own when I issue a "mailman stop".
I always have to issue "mailman stop" twice to get it to stop
2 - The delay occurs for local deliveries.  That is users with accounts on
the machine that is running mailman see the delay
3 - Logs are of no help (the logs just timestamp like mailman is running
real slow but gives no errors)
4 - No other outgoing mail (ie majordomo, bulk_mail, etc are affected)
5 - The delay doesn't always occur, or the delay is livable.
6 - Sendmail seems happy when you look at its logs.    Sendmail seems to
deliver promptly to the local users or to mailman when it gets the

My Setup

Linux RH 9.0, using sendmail 8.13.0 &  mailman 2.1.5 with python 2.2.2

After my signature is a received trail from a delayed message I personally
got and I am user local to the mailman server.  Notice the 7 hour delay?

Spencer Yost
Sundance Consulting

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