On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 22:09, Steven Jones wrote:
> OK, so has anybody successfully installed RH's mailman like this?

yes :-)

> I also want to use the sourceforg webmin module to create lists

I'm sorry, but I'm not at all familar with webmin, however I can answer
questions concerning RH mailman.

> so does anybody have ideas where,
> 1) Errors might be logged?

mailman errors are logged to /var/log/mailman/error
I don't know where webmin errors are logged, but you should look at
/var/log/messages for anything suspicious.

> I have created the mailman list using newlist successfully (as far as I can 
> tell)
> and mailman is running as "service mailman status" shows a PID and
>  ps aux |grep mailman shows 9 processes, 8 of which are runners.

Sure sounds to me like mailman is running fine. I assume aside from
creating the mailman list and checking process status you've verified
mailman you can send and receive mail to a test list and that your web
server is serving mailman cgi correctly.

I suspect your problems may lie with webmin, perhaps a webmin user list
would be better able to answer your questions.

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