At 8:50 AM -0800 2005-01-29, JC Dill wrote:

Didn't I say that above?

Not that I saw, no. What I read of your message indicated that the virus had infected a normal user and pulled a message out of their sent folder, which would not have had the Approved: header.

     Even then, most moderators work via the web and not via e-mail, so
 this would be a very low probability of success.

Most moderators use the web to approve email from *others*, but most of the ones I know who are responsible for originating content for their list use the approved header when they send the content to their list so that they don't have to take an additional step of going to the webpage to approve the message they just sent.

Most moderators I know of don't need to use the Approved: header, because they themselves are not moderated on their own lists. But then maybe you know more moderators than I do.

 If it hasn't happened yet, then "yet" is the critical factor.  It's
 going to happen someday...

True enough.

I still think it's a lot of work for a virus to go through, but when they do finally run into a moderator that uses this technique, there is a high chance of successful transmission to a large number of other targets.

I guess the question is when does the probability go up enough that the payoff justifies the amount of input work?

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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