In a flurry of recycled electrons, Mark Ballard wrote:
> What I would like to do is set up and announce only list that only one 
> or two people can post to. I do want for people be able to subscribe to 
> it but I want the default to be that they can receive posts but can't 
> post to it. The way it is set up now it you join the list you can post 
> to it. Also, I would like to be able to edit the email messages it 
> sends out. Is that possible.

The way I just set up an announce list:
open subscription- anyone can sign up for it
set the new-members-are-moderated checkbox, so any posts from these people
  are held (bottom of the member management page)
unmoderate the people that are allowed to post
disable (moderators) "immediate notice of new requests"
disable "Send mail to poster when their posting is held for approval"


I assume that you could also reject non-moderator posts with a sender
rule, but unless there are a lot of disallowed posts, doesn't seem worth
the bother.

I also listed those people as moderators, but that's so then can delete
any stray posts.

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