On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 02:34:22PM -0700, Tierra wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 12:53:21 -0500, Todd Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd be interested in knowing if anybody is successfully using Mailman
> > under User Mode Linux and what sort of specs this requires. I am trying
> > it with 64MB RAM and have memory errors, but I'm also running Apache and
> > Dovecot for IMAP mail. httpd and python seem to use the most memory.
> > That's running on Fedora Core 2.
> Yes, I have it working on a UML instance with only 64mb ram, and 256mb
> swap. But you do really have to watch your memory consumption with
> Mailman. I've never run Dovecot (I run Courier-IMAP), but so long as
> your not running anything else besides what you've mentioned (Dovecot,
> Apache, and Mailman), you should be cutting it just about even. I'd
> look into cutting some of the un-used modules out of Apache.

I believe Dovecot is supposed to be less resource-intensive than
Courier. I'll try cutting some modules out of Apache. Thanks for the

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