Almost sounds like the file system that contains his /var/spool/mail is full or 
nearly full.

Brad Knowles wrote:
At 3:12 PM -0600 2005-02-04, C. Jon Hinkle wrote:

 Now, the next set of problems.
 I added a list of 230 names/e-dresses to the list using the mass
 subscribe box.  It seems to have choked the system.  The subscriber list
 shows all of the names (I think), but I only got about 80 notifications.
  (Wouldn't it have been clever to have turned off notifications first,
 he muses...)

I'm not sure I've got any answers for you on this. I've never seen this kind of behaviour on the lists I've managed. Even the smallest mail server I've ever administered should have been able to handle this kind of load.

 Anyway, I think those are working, but that leads to my second
 question:  Is it possible to print (or see) a complete membership list,
 rather than having it displayed 30 at a time on the membership page?

There are the command-line programs. See <>.

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