> I recently upgraded (*not* a fresh install) from Fedora 2 to 
> Fedora 3.  
> Seems as though everything came over OK except my Mailman is 
> messed up now.  
> Emails to my list are not being distributed and when I go to 
> the mailman listinfo page it says I have no lists, when I had 
> three.  Only one of these was actually in use, but anyone 
> know what FC3 might have done to change things?

FC3 relocated the installation directories for mailman to be FHS compliant
and allow better integration with SELinux, this is documented in
/usr/share/doc/mailman-*/INSTALL.REDHAT and it explains the directories you
need to move if you are trying to overlay a new release on an old release
and want to preserve a previous installation.

John Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

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