Dear Sir,

     Through our hosting company, we've received your product to use for our
mailing lists, and I've run into massive problems setting it up, and now
with our first mailing.  I sent our first mailing at approx. 1am this
morning, and it went through without a problem; at least until a few minutes
ago, in the past half hour, I've been receiving replies from members of our
list, but the replies were not just coming to me, they were going to
everyone on the list: before I knew it, from the one mailing I made till I
had to just delete the mailing list entirely, there had been over 10
messages sent to all 500+ members of the list.  I'm not the most computer
savvy person in the world, but I know a little, how do I set up your
software so this cant happen again, and so that other people (the ones that
will be writing the mailings) can send their own mass messages?  Basically,
what I'm asking, is how do I set this up so that the two or three people "in
charge" of our organization can send mail to the list, easily, and so that
any replies or requests to be removed from the list only go to one address?


Thank you for your time,

Dan Fisher <> 



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