At 10:56 AM +0100 2005-02-18, Bart Huisman wrote:

 i have a mailman mail list at my server, but how could i send a
 message to all subscribed adresses? i have searched at your site,
 there are much things you can do for the mailing list, but i cant find
 simply the most important thing, how to send a messege to all members
 of the list?

Mailman doesn't have a built-in way to send a message to all members of all lists.

You could create an "umbrella" list that would include all other lists on the server as it's "subscribers", and then send out a message to the umbrella list. However, that would not eliminate duplicate messages sent to people who are subscribed to more than one list.

Another alternative would be to use the command-line tools to get a list of all subscribers, then pass that through "sort -u", and then create a new list including all of those addresses.

I'd encourage you to spend some time searching the Mailman FAQ Wizard and the archives to get a better idea of how to do these things.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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