John Fleming wrote:
>Thanks, Mark.  So if I make filename containing:
>This is a "test".
>some other stuff
>and then run bin/config_list -i filename listname,
>what exactly would I get?  IOW, do the lines above REPLACE the default I see 
>in the web interface or ADD TO it?  tnx

They will replace what you currently have. To add to, you need to put
the existing lines in filename too.

Also note in the example I gave and yours above, there will be a
new-line at the start of the footer which will result in an "extra"
blank line. It is probably preferable to use

msg_footer="""This is a "test".
some other stuff


Also note, once you have set msg_footer (or whatever) containing '"'
characters in this way, any edit at all to that page in the admin web
interface will change the '"' back to '"'. Thus you're commited
from then on to make changes to the items on that page with

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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