At 12:27 PM -0800 2005-03-10, Dana Rasmussen wrote:

 I understand that additions to the welcome message can be made through
 the admin pages.

Some changes, yes.

 I searched the FAQs and found that the file templates/subscribeack.txt
 can be modified as well.


 Can I have a different version of subscribeack.txt for each list on
 my mailman server?

Yes. In fact, you can have a different one for each language supported by each mailing list.

 I am unsure of the pathname location for my modified vesion of
 sbscribeack.txt.  The FAQs say to "create a directory
 lists/<yourlist>/en (assumming English :) and copy
 templates/subscribeack.txt to this directory."

That's correct.

 What is the fully qualified pathname for my modified version
 of subscribeack.txt?  One of my lists name is "scayso".

It all depends on where your machine puts the Mailman stuff. By default, that's normally put into /usr/local/mailman, but that default may not be applicable to your installation.

Would it be /mailman/lists/scayso/en/subscribeack.txt?

It could be. Does your machine put all the Mailman stuff under /mailman? If so, then you're probably correct.

 For additional lists would the pathname be
 /mailman/lists/<list name>/en/subscribeack.txt?

Assuming the answer to the previous question is "Yes", then you have also figured out the answer to this question.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  SAGE member since 1995.  See <> for more info.
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