Greetings Mailman community,

I have successfully installed and am using Mailman, and now I would like
to just clean it up.

For example, there are several confirmation pages. I would like to
customize the font info using a stylesheet. Is this possible?

I would also like to customize the text on these confirm/authorization
pages as well, what the text says on these pages to make it more
personalized. Possible?

Also, with the language feature when people subscribe, the languages are
rendering in the title ONLY of my confirm pages, but not in the text
itself (Because I made customized text perhaps?) Does the language feature
only work with the default text remains intact?

Lastly, I want to link the images of Mailman, Python, and that Moose image
(what page does it represent?) anyway I want to link these images to the
appropriate home pages. Possible? How?

Thanks in advance for your help,

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