Olson, Gary wrote:

>Messages sent from within the administrative area for the "test" list to
>remind myself of the password have simply been queued and contain the
>error message stating:
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: host barracuda.eicc.edu[] said: 550
>    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sender address rejected: Domain not
>found (in
>    reply to RCPT TO command)
>However I can send messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as member postfix when I
>change the "from" heading to test.ateec-lists.org within postfix itself.
>Is this perhaps that I have the permissions for Mailman set wrong?   Any
>help anyone can provide will be appreciated.   Thanks!

It looks to me like a Postfix configuration problem, i.e. Mailman is
sending the mail as it should and Postfix is not accepting it because
it doesn't like the sender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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