At 8:09 PM +1100 2005-03-22, Terry Allen wrote:

        I tried applying the security patch for 2.1.5 which is listed on the
 website - but got a number of errors - can anyone outline the procedure
 for implementing the patch please, whether it's by running the patch
 or replacing lines of code within certain files - any assistance would
 be appreciated.

You need to use the program "patch" to apply the patch as provided. Note that Python is sensitive to indentation and the use of tab characters versus spaces, so you can't just cut-n-paste what you see. You either need to make sure that the indentation perfectly matches what is present in the files being modified, or you need to use the program "patch" to do that for you.

If you have stored the security patch in a file called "patchfile", and you have placed that file in the appropriate directory, it should be as simple as this:

                # patch < patchfile

And the program should be able to figure out the rest by reading the patchfile and applying that to the code in the appropriate places.

        For information, the system I am trying to update is OSX 10.3.8 with
 Mailman 2.1.5 & the developers tools installed. Many thanks.

At the command-line prompt, do "man patch" to see how this program works.
Hi again,
Thanks Brad - I should have outlined that I had already tried running patch on that .txt file - here's the problem I am getting:

[server:mailman/mailman/cgi] root# patch < CAN-2005-0202.txt
patching file
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] n
Apply anyway? [n] y
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
[server:mailman/mailman/cgi] root#

The output into the .rej file has only the comments at the start of - I ran the patch 3 times but on the second time I answered Y on the reverse apply question, then the 3rd time, it ran without error. does this indicate to you that I have already applied the patch successfully?

Bye for now, Terry Allen ___________________________________________________________________

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