Dave Dewey wrote:

Quoting Heather Madrone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

This has been happening on and off for some time. There's no good
way to tell which address is reporting the list as spam (AOL certainly
won't tell you), so it cannot be easily removed.

Actually there is. If you use VERP and setup a feedback loop through AOL, the complainer's email address is included in the complaint sent back to you through the loop.

Having had a similar problem over the last 48 hours or so, it appears that the IP address of my mailing list doesn't have a Reverse DNS, as opposed to my web site which does. I just have to contact my mail provider to get the issue sorted and AOL will add that IP to their White List, and hopefully the issue will be solved.

Quite why it's taken AOL over a month with a steady flow of traffic to realise this is another issue....

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