On Mar 26, 2005, at 10:12, Brad Knowles wrote:

At 4:02 PM -0800 2005-03-25, John W. Baxter wrote:

And I have no way to help them. I could probably manage to configure the
old Exim to work with the new Mailman, but I have no interest in doing so.

Therein lies a big part of the problem. If you're not willing to help, and the rest of the Exim community feels the same way, then the people who are in this situation are doomed unless they switch to other software.

I've not had any problem using Exim 3 with Mailman 2.1. If there are some specific problems you are having, I'm willing to try to help. (But Exim 4's flexibility makes it a worthwhile upgrade. :-)

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