At 9:50 AM -0600 2005-03-30, Stephanie wrote:

 If other sites are using ident, and your firewall drops ident packets,
 then you would get a 30 second delay on many outgoing connection

Which would affect all other outgoing mail on my server, right?

If the problem was reverse DNS or ident, or somesuch, then it should affect everything on the same server. Unless you're serving that data inside of different virtual servers, different instances of the same software (or different software), etc....

 In that case I would be looking very carefully at DNS - if your
 externally visible DNS for that domain is odd you may find that many
 systems you are sending mail to have a long delay on basic verification
 - which will slow down your outgoing speed.

Yes, that's my thought now too since it's affecting both lists hosted on the same domain and nothing else. I'm going to look at that domain's DNS tonight (have to go to $DayJob now) and see if there's anything wrong there that may be causing this.

It's starting to look more like a DNS problem that is specific to that domain, but not necessarily across the entire machine.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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