> Most of those kinds of messages, on my lists, and I have over 60, are
> spam.  You can set Mailman to discard all "held" messages, so you won't
> ever see them.  They will also discard member posts from different
> addresses, etc., but this may be a small price to pay for not having to go
> through them.

thanks...  unfortunately the client in this case does want to approve
messages from members because they need to make sure the information is
relevant and correct. it's for a press company so fact checking is
important for them...

> David Andrews
> At 08:06 PM 4/19/2005, you wrote:
>>>       Those messages aren't approved -- they're held.
>>ok, Brad. thanks. sure. they are held. held for approval. they are not
>>"approved". true.
>>are they from subscribed members? some. most are not.
>>but the setting says members_postings_only = 'yes' (ONLY!)
>>but there are about 60-70% messages that come from non members. they are
>>held too. held for approval. or to be discarded. why?
>>i don't know. they are not members. they should not be held. at all.
>>in short the logic says: "no, they should not even considered to be held
>>for approval. they are sent to the list by non members (spammers). the
>>list is restricted so that ONLY members can post. that means any post
>> from
>>anybody not on the list doesn't matter - it's not important. shouldn't be
>>held for approval."
>>what is not clear in the statement members_postings_only='yes'?
>>'yes' or 'only'? i guess i'm hanging on "only". wouldn't you?
>>sorry....  thanks...
>>> --
>>> Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
>>temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
>>>      -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
>>Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755
>>>    SAGE member since 1995.  See <http://www.sage.org/> for more info.
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