>Hi there! I was hoping to get some help from another user who may have
>run into this problem. I can't find anything about it in the FAQ's. I am
>trying to post to my mailing list but I receive the following:
>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has
>been automatically rejected.  If you think that your messages are
>being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at
>I have been posting right along, but someone did re-configure my Outlook
>email recently. I'm not sure if that contributes to the problem. Anyhow,
>I can't find the option that tells me where I can change WHO can post to
>the list. I had it set up so no-one could send to the list but me -
>since it was a notification and reminder service and not a moderated
>list. I have dug through all those configuration pages and I'll be
>darned if I can find anything besides the owner and moderator areas. I
>have my email address in both of those - but still get the message above
>emailed to me after trying to post.
>Here's a link to my archives:
>The version I'm using is: 2.1.5
Hi again,
        The link to edit mailman list subscribers is:


        Of course, substitute the servername & listname for whatever 
your list is called. Hope this helps.

        Bye for now, Terry Allen 

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