At 3:44 PM +0200 2005-05-05, Ricardo Luis Cañavate García wrote:

>  - After the intallation, with --with-mail-gid=root as say beforem I
>  don't access to the web interface because the user who runs apache
>  are apache, and it tell me:
>  Mailman CGI error!!!
>  The Mailman CGI wrapper encountered a fatal error. This entry is being
>  stored in your syslog:
>  Group mismatch error.  Mailman expected the CGI
>  wrapper script to be executed as group "nobody", but
>  the system's web server executed the CGI script as
>  group "apache".  Try tweaking the web server to run the
>  script as group "nobody", or re-run configure,
>  providing the command line option `--with-cgi-gid=apache'.

        Mailman is being pretty obvious here with the error messages. 
You say that you specified "--with-mail-gid=root" when you built 
Mailman.  That may be required in order to have appropriate 
user/group permissions to the log files, etc....  However, the error 
message is saying that you also need "--with-cgi-gid=apache" in order 
to make the web interface part of Mailman work with Apache.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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