Hello to all.  It's been a while since I've posted here.  I have been  
very happy with Mailman on OS X Server with much credit going to the  
kind people on this list.  However the chance to move these horrible  
server fans out of my home has come into my lap and I must grab it.   
Unfortunately this means moving everything from my G4 to my new Linux  
RedHat box.  It's been easier than I thought actually.  RedHat Linux  
feels much less cluttered and confusing than OS X Server's brand of  
UNIX.  I really like it a lot.  However.......

I am using the default Mailman 2.1 installed by RedHat.  I can manage  
groups via listinfo in my web browser and even add and remove members  
to the groups that I create; plus, the mail log indicates that  
messages are relayed on their merry way to the correct Mailman  
commands location however no posts or admin mails are ever sent or  

The big clue here is that when I go to


and type

./mailmanctl restart

I get the following

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./mailmanctl", line 524, in ?
   File "./mailmanctl", line 319, in main
   File "./mailmanctl", line 274, in check_privs
     gid = grp.getgrnam(mm_cfg.MAILMAN_GROUP)[2]
KeyError: getgrnam(): name not found

I have deleted all groups and even commented the mailman references  
out of Postfix main.cf but the error does not change.  I even  
removed /var/mailman/data/<all virtual and data files> to try to  
jostle the error but still no change.  There is indeed a mailman user  
and group on the machine as far as I can tell but still this most  
stubborn error persists.

Any thoughts from any of you generous folk?


Evan Miller
Mailman-Users mailing list
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