Barbara Brust wrote:

>I am having a problem with sending out email blasts to an 
>announcement ONLY list. I have it set on Emergency Moderation and 
>have a few email addresses that are admins, as well as moderators, 
>and yes, they are list members too, with their MOD turned off.
>Now I am NOT able to send out email from any of these addresses. The 
>only way I can is to send, then log on to release it via 
>authorization. I have notice of auth. turned off since I really want 
>announce ONLY. Have message stating that to any attempts.

Emergency moderation is just that. Everyone is moderated regardless of
their individual moderation status. So it is working just as it should.

If you turn emergency off, then posts from moderated users will be
handled according to member_moderation_action and posts from users
with moderation off will be accepted without intervention.

A better way to handle announce only lists is to moderate everyone and
then authorized posters can be gived the list password and post with an

Approved: <list password>

either as a header or as the first line of the body of the post
(followed by a blank line because the following line is stripped along
with the Approved: line in some versions).


Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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