Yes, the problem was the DEFAULT_URL_HOST was set with the full URL, 
not just the hostname. Running "bin/withlist -l -r fix_url listname" 
fixed the problem. Thanks very much for the pointer on where to look 
for the fix. Michael

At 7:29 PM -0700 5/27/05, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>Michael Clark wrote:
>>I'm trying to set up some new lists, and when I get into their
>>administrative pages, make the changes, and then hit "Submit Your
>>Changes", I end up with extra bits in the URL. I start out at
>  > and after I hit
>>submit I am at
>>which of course doesn't work.
>This URL is based on the lists web_page_url attribute which was set at
>list creation time from the setting
>DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN and, depending on how the list was created,
>probably information from the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary which is built
>from add_virtualhost() entries in Something was
>wrong with these at list create time. Once they are fixed, the list
>can be fixed with bin/ which can be run stand alone for
>I have no way to know what the actual config problem is without seeing
>, but maybe DEFAULT_URL_HOST is
>'' instead of '' or some
>add_virtualhost() entry is similarly messed up.
>Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
>San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

Michael Clark, Webmaster
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