Thanks for the advice.

Check and definitely do not have an old version of Mailman and only one
version of

Blew away the request.pck, reloaded admin page and then reran checkdbs -
all clear now.

Possible explanation: I previously had some host names and aliases
misconfigured and suspect that that might have the problem. When I fixed
that I still had the mailman list pointing to the wrong host.

Thanks for the quick response.

Antipodean Rgds


On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 11:18, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Nigel Allen wrote:
> >
> >Sorry - should have added:
> >
> >Follow the link in the notification email but get a:
> >
> >
> >> Mailman Administrative Database
> >> There are no pending requests.
> >
> >
> >N/
> >
> >
> >On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 10:38, Nigel Allen wrote:
> >> Hi all
> >> 
> >> Ever since we had a screwed up mailman list and corrected it, we have
> >> been getting the message below.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> > The [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list has 2 request(s) waiting
> >> > for your consideration at:
> >> > 
> >> >
> >> >         
> >> > Please attend to this at your earliest convenience.  This notice of
> >> > pending requests, if any, will be sent out daily.
> >> > 
> >> 
> >> We've deleted the xxx mailing list and recreated it but still get the
> >> same message every morning.
> >> 
> >> Can anyone enlighten me as to what triggers this please? I just want to
> >> get rid of them. They were an "accidental" subscribe
> >> 
> Both cron/checkdbs which sends the daily reminder and Cgi/
> which produces the
> >> Mailman Administrative Database
> >> There are no pending requests.
> message use the exact same method mlist.NumPendingRequests() to
> determine how many requests there are. I don't see how they can
> produce different results unless they are somehow importing different
> versions of where the NumPendingRequests() method is
> defined.
> There was a change from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5. The earlier versions keep the
> requests in a marshal lists/<listname>/request.db, and 2.1.5 and up
> keep them in a pickle lists/<listname>/request.pck.
> Do you possibly have an older Mailman version in a different location
> and referenced by the cron jobs?
> One thing you can do is go to the lists/<listname>/ directory and
> remove request\.* and then go to the admindb page for the list which
> will create a new request.pck (assuming 2.1.5+) just by virtue of your
> visiting the page. This may help.
> --
> Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
Nigel Allen, Snr Consultant, ProSmart Consulting Australia
48 Tiarri Avenue, Terrey Hills, NSW 2084, Australia
Tel: +61 2 9450 2690  Fax: +61 2 9450 2691 Mob: +61 4 1494 5269

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