I want to ask something before I send out a message to a huge list.

The message is an HTML message. I setup the list and subscribed three
people, then sent the message as a test. It came through perfectly.

I have now subscribed all my users and am ready to send the message to the
list. Right now it is in the moderated queue.

>From that Web page, I used the option:
" Forward messages (individually) to:"

The message I received from this forward DID NOT look correct.

The content types of the two messages are different:

Correct HTML: Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Incorrect (Forward): Content-Type: message/rfc822

Looking at the headers for the forwarded message, it looks like it wraps the
original content in a plain text message... If that is true, when I approve
the message it should go through with the correct Content-Type, yes?

Before I send out this massive mailing, I'd like to make sure I am doing
this correctly.


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