At 10:06 AM -0400 2005-07-12, CL-Admin wrote:

>             My filter settings are Yes - image/bmp, image/gif, image/jpeg,
>  image/png, image/tiff.  for image types and multipart/mixed,
>  multipart/alternative, text/plain, application/pgp-signature,
>  multipart/signed, text/html, message/rfc822 for remove message
>  attachments.

        Keep in mind that you can either have an "allow" list, or a 
"reject" list, but you cannot have both.  Pick a set of MIME types 
that you want to allow (leaving the other field empty), and 
everything else will get thrown away.  Or, pick a set of MIME types 
that you want to disallow (leaving the other field empty), and 
everything else will go through.  But you can't fill in values in 
both fields.

>  My question is it possible to get a notification sent to the administrator
>  in addition to the rejecting of these posts.  If so how is it done, do I
>  have to get the hosting company to change the configuration files.

        If you choose "Forward to List Owner" instead of "Reject" or 
"Discard", then you will get a notice when messages are filtered.  Of 
course, this means that you'll probably get a copy of just about 
every single message sent to the list, which I doubt is something 
that you want.

>  Information question - should I be pushing the hosting company to upgrade
>  to the latest version of Mailman?

        Depends on what they're using.  Generally speaking, running the 
most recent -RELEASE version is a good idea.  New features are added, 
bugs are squashed, security holes are closed, etc....

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

   SAGE member since 1995.  See <> for more info.
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