Getting closer. Thanks.

Mark Sapiro wrote:

> Chuck Vohs wrote:
>> I have mailman version 2.1.6 installed with cPanel on RH 7.3, sending 
>> mail through exim.
> I'm not sure if it's relevant, but see
Yeah, I had seen that, and they are working on it.  I just was at such a 
lost, I figured I might find some hints or help here.

>> I have several lists running.  All used to work just fine.  Last 
>> week, 2 lists stopped sending mail.  Each responds to commands, but 
>> posts are just not sent.
>> I can't see where they are dying at.
>> Messages sent to the lists by nonmembers are held as pending, and I 
>> get an email to approve or reject.  When I approve, the message is 
>> never sent.
> It seems you're saying that posts are being sent out from lists other
> than the specific 2 lists. If so, then it's probably not a qrunner
> problem unless you're running multiple 'slices' of qrunners and one
> has died.
> Check Mailman's error log.
> Check the mailman qfiles/ directory to see where the messages are
> piling up (shunt, retry, out ?).
> Sometimes a corrupt file will cause a list to shut down in this way.
> Check the files in lists/<listname>/ for the two lists. In particular,
> if there is a digest.mbox file, try moving it aside and see if that
> helps.
Wow, that is good news, they are piling up in qfiles/shunt. So that 
means 1) the messages are getting to the server 2) mailman is trying to 
process them (it has given them really strange file names), so something 
is working, just not 100% yet.
Thanks for the tip!!!

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