>I am a mailing list administrator.
>There seems to be two ways an address can be added to the list:
>1) My entering them by Mass Subscription under the Member  
>Addresses entered this way appear in a Member List table.  Good.

Do you mean the letter of alphabet tables of the Membership List under
the Member Management...Section?

>2) My approving a request (via email) to add a new address to the list.
>Addresses approved by this method do not appear in the Member List  
>table mentioned in item #1;  I call them invisible.
>Question:    Where and how do I find these invisible addresses?

Are you saying you get a notice of a pending subscription from Mailman
that says
----------------------------- start
Your authorization is required for a mailing list subscription request


At your convenience, visit:

to process the request.
----------------------------- end

Or you get a summary of requests, and you go to the admindb url and
approve the subscription request and [EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't appear
on the Membership List under the Member Management...Section?

If yes, then I don't know what's going on. If something else, please be
more specific about what member list table, what e-mail and what
action you take. 

>The list has only 100 addresses and is seasonal.  The beginning of  
>each season it would be easier to dump all the addresses and Mass  
>Subscribe a fresh list.
>Question:    Is there an easy way to dump the lists generated by the  
>two methods mentioned above?

There are several ways to get a membership list. The command line tool
bin/list_members will list all members. The Membership List under the
Member Management...Section lists all members but not in a convenient
form, but see
http://starship.python.net/crew/jwt/mailman/#throughtheweb for a way
to script this and get a nice list. The e-mail 'who' command and the
web roster both give reasonably usable lists, but they don't show
those members who've opted not to be shown.

Note that if "Conceal the member's address" is checked in
new_member_options under the General Options Section, all new members
will be opted out of the latter two lists, but I don't think that is
your issue because it also applies to mass subscription.

Once you have a list, you can process it via Mass Removal under the
Member Management...Section.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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