Jimmy Pierre wrote:
>Thanks for your input! I will not need the archives, just an export of the
>email addresses in order to import on the same server.
>Export domainA.com => domainB.com
>Both based with the same hosting company, same DNS etc. I have the
>login/password of both domains, in fact I run both domains.
>You are quite clear though, I need root access. I cannot even updatedb to do
>a "whereis" in SSH.
>Are you saying that some hosting companies give you root access? Or I will
>need to run the servers myself?

While it is true that you need root access to install Mailman, you do
not generally need root access to administer Mailman on a server. The
ability to log in as the mailman user or su or sudo as the mailman
user is generally sufficient. However, hosting companies will
generally not give this access either

Exporting a subscriber list and 'importing' it to another list without
the ability to do bin/list_members, bin/add_members, etc. can be
accomplished by scripting the web interface to obtain the list and
then mass subscribing it. Regular vs. digest can be easily handled by
doing the job in two pieces. Other user options are trickier, but can
be done. See
http://starship.python.net/crew/jwt/mailman/#throughtheweb for some
example scripts.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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