Bill Moseley wrote:

>How would I change one setting an all lists?  For example, change a
>bounce processing setting on every list to be the same setting.

With bin/withlist -a and a simple script - see bin/withlist --help for
examples. Note: that you should do the list locking and unlocking in
the script - if you use bin/withlist -a -l and don't unlock the list
after saving it in the script, you'll wind up with locked lists. You
can find more help by searching this list's archives for 'withlist'.

Another method would be a shell script to get the list names (`ls
lists/`) and run bin/config_list -i with a simple input file on all
lists. See bin/config_list -o for the format of the file and note:
that only things you want to change need be in the input.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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