On Tuesday 01 November 2005 15:42, Brian Parish wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 November 2005 15:20, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> > Brian Parish wrote:
> > >Installed from source using the default locations.  Everything looks
> > > smooth until genaliases.  Same problem as first time around, except
> > > that then I thought the reason was a fault in my settings in mm_cfg.py
> > >
> > >bin/genaliases runs without any errors, but generates only data/aliases,
> > > not data/virtual-mailman
> > >
> > >By the time we get to this step, the install docs have had me enter
> > >virtual-mailman in my postfix/main.cf, so the fact that it isn't
> > > generated breaks postfix very effectively.  Presumably some later step
> > > creates the circumstances under which virtual-mailman is created?
> > >
> > >Anyway, my mm_cfg.py looks like this:
> > >
> > >---------------------
> > ># Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
> > >IMAGE_LOGOS = '/icons/'
> > >MTA = 'Postfix'
> > >POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['univexhosting.com']
> > >DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = 'www.univexsystems.com'
> > >DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'univexhosting.com'
> > >
> > ># Because we've overriden the virtual hosts above add_virtualhost
> > ># MUST be called after they have been defined.
> > >
> > >---------------------
> > >and:
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/usr/local/mailman]# bin/genaliases
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/usr/local/mailman]# ll data
> > >total 44
> > >drwxrwsr-x    2 root     mailman      4096 Nov  1 13:04 ./
> > >drwxrwsr-x   20 root     mailman      4096 Nov  1 13:12 ../
> > >-rw-rw----    1 mailman  mailman       357 Nov  1 14:28 aliases
> > >-rw-r-----    1 mailman  mailman     12288 Nov  1 14:28 aliases.db
> > >-rw-r--r--    1 root     mailman        10 Nov  1 12:51
> > > last_mailman_version -rw-r--r--    1 root     mailman     14110 Nov  1
> > > 12:49 sitelist.cfg
> > >
> > >What am I missing here?
> >
> > Most likely your lists have host_name attributes different from
> > 'univexhosting.com'.
> >
> > Run bin/fix_url.py stand alone for instructions on how to run it under
> > withlist to fix this problem.
> Hmmm.  At this point in the install, I don't have any lists.  No less
> confused here, but I guess I'll go ahead and continue with the additional
> steps in the hope that once I have a list to fix, I can fix it and thereby
> address this problem.  If that works, surely the sequence of steps in the
> install doc is borked.
Update - after doing step 8 in the install - creating the site wide list I can 
use the fix_url script and virtual-mailman is created.  So unless I missed a 
step somewhere, I would suggest that the install doc for postfix at step 6 
needs to be reviewed.

thanks again
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