Agustín Barahona wrote:

>El Thu, 3 Nov 2005 17:11:44 -0800, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>>This is number one under list administration on the wishlist of new
>>features <>.
>Thank you. And when is supposed the new version/release to come?

Mailman is an open source project supported by the community on a
volunteer basis. Timelines can't be predicted.

>>In the mean time, it can be done, but it is awkward and involved to do.
>>See the FAQ at
>>for some suggestions as to how.
>I'm a fraid that I have no access to system folders :-( When I use the trick 1 
>(forwarding etc.) the resulting message changes completely the date and hour 
>:-( This change could be annoying for several list membres :-( Any way, thank 
>you very much.

You can't 'forward' the edited message as you've discovered. You have
to 'redirect'/'resend'/'bounce' it back to the list. If your regular
MUA/mail client doesn't support this, you might consider installing
Mutt for this purpose.

Also, if you have access to a 'sendmail' command anywhere, you can use
the method mentioned in the note at the end of the FAQ article.

>Last but not least, is there any way to change/obtain the whole 
>configuration/settings of my Mailman list by means of only e-mail commands, 
>i.e., like in Majordomo with the commands "newconfig" or "config"?

No. There is no email interface for changing the list configuration or
doing most other administrator tasks.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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