Bob Bales wrote:

>I am a novice at this, so be easy. I am running mailman for a friend of
>mine. I loaded it from the cpanel of the host. The message system seems to
>be working fine. The Admin Panel is giving me fits. I can sign in and make a
>change, when I press to submit the changes it takes me back to the sign in
>page, I re-sign in and the chnage has not taken place. Subscibers have the
>sane problem when they try to sitch from or to non-digets/digets. Anybody
>have some help out there? I'm pulling my hair out right now.

This is typically caused by not accepting cookies in your browser, but
since it appears to be a global issue, it may have something to do
with the server's sending/receiving of cookies.

Also see

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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