Jared Rimer wrote:

>Would the Eudora redirect work?

It might. It removes a bunch of headers and replaces others and rewraps
the message body, but it might work. You could try it, but you'd never
know if it worked or not, since if the bounce were unrecognized, it
would just go to the list owner assuming the option to notify the list
owner was even selected.

The best thing is if the host is using VERP like envelope sender, and
you can determine the actual bouncing user's address, you could
redirect the notice to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and then it
will always be recognized.

If the previous paragraph is not clear, check the Return-Path:, Sender:
or Errors-To: header in any message you have received from the
mailman-users@python.org list.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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