On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 11:59 -0600, Benjamin Mack wrote:
> Hey everybody,
> I got a difficult (for me) situation here:
> I have a webserver with my domain and an outsourced mail server with a 
> company that set up my mail addresses (where I can create pop-accounts 
> through a web interface).
> Lately I wanted to set up a mailman installation on my webserver, with a 
> mailing list like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". But mailman requires an MTA on 
> the system, but since the MTA for my domain is on another (for me not 
> configurable) mail server, I would just like to have something like this 
> on my webserver, since I do not want an extra mailserver there:
> * a program checks periodically for new messages on the pop-account and 
> then forwards it to the mailman

fetchmail is doing this. Just start it every 5 minutes with cron.
fetchmail pops the mails from the pop3 server and feeds it to the local
MTA which must handle mails for the domain correctly, of course.

I don't know if there is a simpler solution for fetchmail+mailman.

> * mailman evaluates and adds it to the list.
> * outgoing mails from mailman are going through the already installed 
> default config sendmail

You probably have to check and possibly let sendmail rewrite header
fields correctly so that the From: etc. are correct.
AFAIK see now it should work if the mailman machine actually feels
responsible for the kirix.com domain as a whole (and perhaps for others
too) - it just doesn't receive mails from the eth<x> interface.
For local users you could forward local email to the pop-server via
normal aliases.

Alternatively you could simply relay all outgoing mails of kirix.com
through the external mailserver and the external mailserver rewrites
header and envelope addresses.

> Has anybody experienced with that? Or is this something like a "don't do 
> that"-thing since I did not find manuals for that kind of situation? 

The problem is not really a mailman problem (or closely related) but
more a "several MTAs problem".

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