Thomas Gramstad wrote:

>I'm one of three list administrators of a large newsletter
>managed by Mailman.  While I have shell access to the
>machine where Mailman is installed, the other two do not.
>We want the other two to be able to take a back-up of the
>subscriber list when they want to.  I thought this could
>be achieved in a simple way by E-mail, by sending
>a message with something like
><password> who <listname>
>to Mailman.  But that doesn't work at all, it doesn't
>even cause an error message.

Where did you send it? It should return an error if sent to the
-request address.

Send mail with subject 'help' without the quotes to the list-request
address. Also, see <>.

>I tried to search the Mailman FAQs, other documentation, and
>various searches in Google, and have been using about 45
>minutes on this, and I'm not even close to find anything
>about getting the subscriber list by E-mail.
>So is it impossible?

No, it's simple (see above), but be aware that the list returned by
email 'who' does not show hidden members.

>If so, what is an alternative way
>for the other two to get all the subscribers at once
>(and not 30 at a time)?

Also see <>.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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