Bob Bales wrote:

>Previously when I went to memberslist I had 2 columns, one listed regular 
>subscribers, the others listed subscriber's who were on digest. At the top 
>it would give me the total number of each, and grand total.
>Now I have some wacky alphabetical checkboxes to check each one and see who 
>and how many in A, B, C, etc.. I don't like this and I don't know what I did 
>to change it from the way it was before.
>But I do want it back as it was, any help will be greatly appreciated.

The first list you refer to is the 'roster' which is available from the
'listinfo' page or directly at a URL like
<>. Note however that
this roster may be incomplete as it doesn't show 'hidden' members, but
they are included in the totals and indicated at the top of the list
as '(nn private members not shown)'.

The second list you refer to is the membership management section of
the admin interface which is at a URL like

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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