Raquel Rice wrote:
>I do have a file named "private.bad" in the cgi-bin directory.  I
>have no idea why it's named that way.  (in other words, I didn't do

How did you install Mailman? If you installed from source and you still
have the directory you ran configure and make in, what is in the src/
sub-directory? And were there any errors from 'make install'?

You could just try running

make install > make.log

(it shouldn't hurt to do it again) so that you see only errors and

If you didn't install from source, of course this doesn't help.

Also, is the modification date on private.bad the same as the others in
cgi-bin? If there is a 'private' in the src/ directory, how does it
compare to 'private.bad'.

You could just try

mv private.bad private

and see what happens.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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