On Jan 4, 2006, at 12:37, Bob Tourkow wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> My organization makes extensive use of multiple Mailman lists, and  
> I am
> involved in the administration of a couple “easy” lists.  But there  
> are two
> things I would like to do that I can’t seem to find out how to do.   
> Maybe
> one of you can tell me what to do.
> 1.  (Seemingly simple question)  How can I print out a complete  
> list of the
> names and email addresses of all members of the list?

in your mailman/bin directory type:

./list_members --fullnames listname

> 2. I have a list that was once used for a one-time mailing, and I  
> now need
> to remove all of the subscribers from it, without them receiving
> un-subscribed messages.

in your mailman/bin directory type:

./remove_members --all --nouserack listname


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