Hey all,

I'm in the midst of a project, but need to get the steps worked out

My server is a Ubuntu box, with LAMPP setup as the apache/mySQL software.

I installed mailman by doing the whole configuring myself as opposed to
apt-get due to having to integrate it into lampp.

Anyway, I have it set up, and it seems like it should be working. I get the
confirmation messages when I add some of my e-mail accounts. 

The problem lies, however, in the fact that when I send e-mails to account
that I've setup, they don't go through. Neither do they go through when I
send them via the web interface. I'm curious how the registration e-mails
come through and not any of the others. 

I'd love some help on this.

Some more info:

hosting over a cable connection using a no-ip.com dynamic DNS service.

using mailman 2.1.7

Apache/2.0.54 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.8 PHP/5.0.5 DAV/2
mod_perl/2.0.1 Perl/v5.8.7


Thanks for the help


-AJ Peck


PS, i'm not a linux guru, so it's possible I messed up in the install
somewhere, but didn't realize it.

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