JustBrits_com wrote:
>In setting up the orginal List and while under 20 or so Members the
>membership List showed Full Page (length).  When Membership got to somewhere
>around  30, the List changed to an Alphabetic styled one and I HATE it.

There is a list attribute, admin_member_chunksize, which is initialized
at list creation to the mm_cfg.py parameter
DEFAULT_ADMIN_MEMBER_CHUNKSIZE which in turn defaults to 30.

When the number of members is not more than admin_member_chunksize,
they are all on one page on the Membership Management...->Membership
List. When there are more than admin_member_chunksize members, they
are paginated by the first character of the email address.

There is a feature request about this at
and a bug report at

There are two issues here.

admin_member_chunksize is not settable by the list owner, and there is
no option to have 'n per page' without alphabetic divisions.

I'll try to get the first of these implemented in 2.1.8 if there's no
objection. The second will probably have to wait.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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