Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Lawrence Bowie wrote:
>> Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>> Lawrence Bowie wrote:
>>>>    These are message Mailman has in its qfiles that PostFix
>>>>    does not know about.
>>> In which qfiles? If it is qfiles/retry/*, then the message has been
>>> queued for retry because the original MTA delivery attempt resulted in
>>> a transient error. The reason is logged in Mailman's smtp-failure log.
>>> If it is some other queue, that that queue's runner is not doing its
>>> job. Have you set QRUNNER_SLEEP_TIME in to some large value?
>> No, that has been modified.
> So let's see if I get the situation. A nonmember send a post to a list.
> A reject message is generated and is queued within Mailman and takes
> several hours to be delivered, meanwhile it sits in some queue in
> mailman. Is that correct?
Yes, that is correct.

> In which queue do you find it?

the out queue

> Are there any relevant messages in any of Mailman's logs, particularly
> 'locks', 'qrunner', 'error' and 'smtp-failure'?

Nothing good in qrunner, locks or error. smtp-failure has legitimate failures 
domain not found or rejected remote delivery (due to non-existent recipient)

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