Tom Grundy wrote:

>Hello - we would like to be able to specify plain vs MIME (on a user-by-user 
>basis) for regular non-digest delivery.  'option plain' only lets you set 
>the user-by-user option when digests are on.

The plain vs MIME digest setting controls whether the digest is sent as
one flattened message body containing all the posts vs as a
multipart/mixed message containing text/plain subparts for the boiler
plate and table of contents and a multipart/digest subpart containing
the individual posts as subparts. Different MUAs do better with one
form or the other, so users are offered a choice.

In the case of individual messages, they are sent as is (after content
filtering if any is applied). Just what would you envision a plain vs
MIME choice actually doing?

If you mean you want to be able to apply per user content filtering
rules, that just isn't feasable within the current Mailman design.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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