Mel Sojka wrote:

>Well Mark what I have currently in the Virtusertable is
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]   maillist
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]    maillist-admin
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]    maillist-request
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]   maillist-admin

This one is definitely wrong. In Mailman 2.1.x, maillist-admin is a
deprecated name, and it goes to bounce processing, not to the owner.

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] maillist-bounces

I think you can remove all the above from virtusertable and remap it
unless you have a pontential conflict with a non-mailman address in
some other domain, e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>But I just looked at some of the sendmail returns and I believe I did 
>fix_url wrong for the two domains where the problems lie. It appears 
>that fix_url was done to and not if that would 
>cause a problem. Going to have to study up on fix_url again it appears.

That could cause more than one problem, but I think even with the

[EMAIL PROTECTED] maillist-bounces

entry in virtusertable, both [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will be delivered to mailman anyway,
the former by being redirected to the local maillist-bounces alias via
virtusertable and the latter by getting directly to the alias.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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