Carl Buff wrote:
>I read the following FAQ but can seem to make it work on my end:
>3.8. I forgot my list password! How do I get it back?
>- My problem is ... that I don't have a change_pw under the
>/mailman/bin ... and when I log into the list with the Site Admin
>password - I can seem to change the password. I mean, I change it - but
>it doesn't take.

bin/change_pw has been in the distribution since 2.1a2 (over 4 years).
I don't know why you wouldn't have it unless yours is a 2.0.x
installation, in which case I don't think I can help much anyway.

You can download change_pw from
but if you do this, you need to change @PYTHON@ on the first line to
the actual path to python on your system.

Do other changes you make in the admin interface 'stick'. If so, I have
no idea why a password change wouldn't, but if not see FAQs 4.45
and/or 4.65.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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