>>>>> "Brad" == Brad Knowles
>>>>> "Re: [Mailman-Users] GMane?"
>>>>>  Thu, 16 Feb 2006 04:29:55 +0100

    Brad> At 10:07 PM -0500 2006-02-15, John A. Martin wrote:
    >> Heaven forfend!  What harm will Gmane do.

    Brad>       Well, the fact that these mailing lists were gatewayed
    Brad> to Gmane without the nominator getting our approval, and
    Brad> without Gmane confirming that this was an approved action,
    Brad> is pretty clear evidence to me that they don't bother to
    Brad> follow their own rules regarding the intellectual property
    Brad> of others.

I'm not sure I follow you here.  How do you think Gmane should know _a
priori_ whether someone subscribing a list to Gmane is actually acting
for the list owner?  I'm not sure what rules you are referring to.
Can you point me to something?

    Brad>       The fact that they personally promised me that this
    Brad> problem had been fixed after the last time I dealt with
    Brad> them, and yet we find that this has happened yet once again,
    Brad> is simply more fuel for the fire.

If you are speaking of the last few days and one time in the past then
perhaps you haven't seen

I've been subscribed to four news.gmane.org/gmane.mail.mailman.*
groups for some time (months or years) and hadn't noticed them go
defunct before a few days ago.  I'd like to understand better what has
happened.  Could you please tell me when you first asked to have the
lists removed.  What was the response?  When did you notice again that
they were on Gmane?


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