On 2/20/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gustavo Mesquita wrote:
> >
> >I have created lists using the command:
> >
> >"./newlist -u myurl.domain.br -q ListName [EMAIL PROTECTED] passwd"
> >
> >But, when I configure the list using the archive "sitelist.cfg" with the
> >command:
> >
> >"./config_list -i sitelist.cfg ListName"
> >
> >The list loses the reference for URL when it was created!
> >I need to user the archive "sitelist.cfg" for configure the list and I
> can't
> >to lose the reference...
> First, the supplied sitelist.cfg is only intended to be used for the
> site list ('mailman' list). It is not intended to be used for any
> other list. Those should be configured as needed via the web admin
> interface.
> Second, I don't understand why this would happen anyway, as the
> supplied sitelist.cfg does not contain any settings for host_name or
> web_page_url, and config_list will only change those attributes which
> are set in the input file.
> You can verify before and after by running
> bin/dumpdb lists/ListName/config.pck
> --
> Mark Sapiro < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
> Hi Mark,

I'm using the sitelist.cfg for configure the description of the list and
others things, why I don't find some script for to it make, and I needed to
make a new interface for some feature's mailman.

I modified the sitelist.cfg, setting the host_name=' myurl.domain.br' and
web_page_url='http://myurl.domain.br/mailman/', why I conferred this
parameters, and I set for equals values, but don't obtained good result.

Executing your command, display the config.pck with parameters(host_name and
web_page_url) equals for regular list and corromped list, but it don't
resolve the problem. ;(
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