Hello out there,

I have set up a mailing list with about 500 addresses. Everything 
woks fine, except the bounce processing. Mailman does not recognise 
one single bounce.
It sends a mail to me instead which says: 

Die angehängte Nachricht kam als unzustellbar an die Liste zurück.
Leider wurde entweder das Bounce-Format nicht erkannt, oder keine
e-Mailadresse eines Mailinglistenmitglieds konnte extrahiert werden.

I try to translate: the attached message was returned as 
undeliverable to the list. Either the bounce format was not 
recognised, or no email address of a mailing list member could be 

I have set up mailman to deliver fully personalised mails, which 
means every mail to the mailing list is delivered 500 times, and 
the corresponding email address appears in the To-header. 

Does anyone have an idea what the reason might be why mailman 
doesn't process the boundes? For me as a human being it is no 
problem to see in the attached message which address has bounced.


Andre Tann

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