jewel.brueggeman-makda wrote:

>I want to edit the html for the my listinfo page.  I have searched
>online but have not found any information.  Is the listinfo page
>generated on the fly?

It is generated on the fly (by Mailman/Cgi/ based on a
template (listinfo.html).

>I can't locate in my directory exactly whre it
>is.  I looked in /var/www/  and only saw my index.html page.

The base templates for a given language are in the
templates/<language>/ directory. See,
for information on where to put edited templates in general to be used
for a specific list, domain or sitewide.

In the case of the listinfo template, a list specific template can be
created/edited by following the "Edit the public ..." link under
"Other Administrative Activities" on any of the list's admin pages and
then selecting "General list information page".

>Also, this
>question may seem impossible to answer but does anyone have a diagram or
>illustration which might help me understand how Mailman works better.

Mail to any of the list(-*) addresses is piped by the incoming MTA to
the mail/mailman wrapper which invokes a script in the scripts/
directory which puts the message in one of the queues. The queues are
processed by qrunners started by bin/mailmanctl. The message flow is
diagrammed in the Mailman/Queue/ module.

The web interface (except public archives which are accessed directly)
invokes wrappers in Mailman's cgi-bin directory which in turn invoke
scripts in Mailman/Cgi/ to do the work.

There's no PLM (Program Logic Manual) per se for Mailman.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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