On 4/3/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BG Mahesh wrote:
> >
> >How do check how many [and who] members are in HELD state?
> If HELD means 'nomail' or 'delivery disabled',

Yes, problem is that I am using Lyris lingo. Had been using it for 7 years
before switching over to  Mailman

bin/list_members --nomail
> or
> bin/list_members --nomail=bybounce
> or see
> <http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq03.062.htp>
> >It would be nice
> >to see something like
> >
> >Normal: xx
> >Held: yy
> Does this mean delivery disabled?


>Unsubscribed: zz
> How do I identify an unsubscribed member? Isn't that an oxymoron?

In Lyris unless you delete the member  the unsusbscribed info also is in
the  database.

>Waiting for confirmation: aa
> What is this? A pending subscription?

Yes, pending subscription.

Can the list owner get a weekly report by email of the activity [how many
signed  on/off etc]?

B.G. Mahesh
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